Pay attention to your dreams

Dream Funnnny Comic

If you can’t afford a therapist, pay attention to your dreams.

Last night I dreamed many things that I had thought and felt the day before. I thought I was done with them, but part of me still wanted to consider what happened. Now today I have to consider the meaning that they represent to me and consider if my attitudes need to be adjusted.

Dream Funnnny Comic
dream funny comic

Let’s be honest. We are creatures of habit. We don’t want to change if life is mostly working for us. However, if we want to grow and be the most helpful we can be in life, we have to admit that sometimes our limited POV doesn’t help us. Life can be frustrating when we try to hold onto an idea or belief that we have outgrown.

What seems to me is that dreams are a second chance to fix our mistakes. They have provided me with a guide like a therapist of things that may not be as helpful as I want in my life. It is remarkable. There is a part of me that knows better, I just need to listen to it.

That’s why when I see people behaving in ways that don’t help them, I wonder why they aren’t listening to their little voice. The voice that says “Hey this may not be a good idea.” I often have that voice warning me when I think of something that probably doesn’t help me, but like an idiot, I do it anyway.

For example, I shared earlier the mistakes that I made in dating. Often that voice would be there saying “Woah Nelly” but I like a fool went ahead anyway. We need to listen to that voice so that we don’t have to dream of it and can have more fun dreams.

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Nothing wrong with serious dreams, but fun dreams are amazing too. When you act in a way that respects your deep inner self then you too will have dreams beyond what you can conceive.