I had an accident but it led me to a new insight about LinkedIn posts. If you post without a title, you have fewer views.
It happened today that two of my posts went without titles and I didn’t think much of it. Sometimes my auto poster has a problem and it sorts itself out by the next post. When it happened a second time I had to look into the issue.
It turns out that for whatever reason it lost one of its settings to list the post title and the post excerpt like I had before. I just reset them up and this post is to communicate this experience and to help anyone who may be facing this issue with this excellent plugin WP LinkedIn Auto Publish.
Now one of the other things that is interesting here is that yesterday this plugin didn’t show me the two images that I had posted initially in my All Activity stream on LinkedIn, but then showed it later when I looked. To me, that is an issue on the LinkedIn side. I have seen that sometimes LinkedIn doesn’t update images from auto posting on a timely schedule so I tend to delete the post and repost which fixes it, or wait and it fixes it.
Still, I suspect that this will work and you will read the title when this is posted on LinkedIn. Here are to great WP plugins! Cheers mate!