It is simple. It was the day that I discovered Santa was storing gifts in an old place where I lived.
Now every child has to discover the truth about Santa. When I discovered it, I could only come to one conclusion, I had been lied to.
The world is confusing enough for kids. When they can’t trust the people who say they love them, it doesn’t help anyone.
From this day forward I never believed anything that anyone told me ever again. I had to discover the truth of something myself. What I learned is that most things in life are BS, and the things that you think are real often turn out with experience and wisdom to be more subtle BS.
We all have to discover what we think is true in life. I quickly discovered what was true, and what I discovered is that people who say they love you will deceive you. I forgive people who lie to me. They lie because they think it doesn’t matter, or it is cute. It isn’t cute to lie to anyone, no matter how “noble” your intentions.
Part of the reason that we have the issues we do as a society is that we are not honest with ourselves and each other. We make complex arguments in order to have “white lies” to others, when honesty is the most loving thing you can do. No gf wants to hear she looks fat in that dress, but sometimes you have to be honest and kind. No guy wants to be told he isn’t funny or smart sometimes, but again you have to be honest and kind.
When you have a reputation for honesty, it makes people trust you. When people trust you, they will hear what they need to hear because they know that you don’t have ulterior motives. You are not the worlds therapist, but you don’t have to continue to believe in things that don’t help you or others anymore.