The psychology of Politics analyzed by AI

Psychology Of Politics
Psychology Of Politics
Psychology of politics

I liked the video I shared yesterday called the Psychology of Politics. It showed some brain differences in how and why people believe as they do. So as a test I found a YouTube transcription free service that provided a transcript of that video. Then I used ChatGPT4o a paid account and got the following. What do you think? I think its a fair summary of the video.

The video explores the psychology of politics and voting behavior by examining cognitive differences, moral values, and personality traits that influence political alignment. Key points include:

Cognitive Differences: How people think differently affects voting behavior, leading to disagreements among family and friends.
Moral Foundations: Liberals prioritize care and fairness, while conservatives emphasize loyalty, authority, and sanctity.
Brain Activity: Differences in brain structures, such as the amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex, correlate with political beliefs.
Personality Traits: Liberals score higher in openness, conservatives in conscientiousness, and both show varying responses to stimuli.
Biases: Confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance protect individuals' political beliefs, making it hard to change their minds through debate.

Now we are back to a human again. Perhaps AI could come in handy if you want to demonstrate that you are trying to avoid you own bias in writing. Perhaps peoples writing can go through a AI bias filter to help screen things that you may not notice.

In general however the tendency for Naive realism is strong. We think that the way we see things in the truth and that other people are wrong. This is clearly wrong. We can’t all be right. Society works when we respect each other and that is to allowing everyone to have their truth and point of view. Now of course there are pesky things called facts and realistic consequences and that is something that many people have problems understanding.

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I’ll give you an example. You can believe whatever you want, but the facts and reality may work against you. So lets say that you believe that a woman should be subordinate to a man. If you are conservative you are more likely to think this way and also if you are religious. I grew up around these people all of my life, and I tell you that the women ran those men and organizations. Men like to think that we pull the strings, but often the ideas and decisions are influenced by the women in their lives. If you are a man and don’t recognize the influence that women in your life have had, you are making reactionary decisions and not independent ones.

For example I was heavily influenced by women growing up. It helped me to understand the weaknesses with the stereotyped masculine approach. Men want to do, and women want to feel. Neither are better than the other, but there is a balance in life that you must have in order to be happy. People who are unhappy are unbalanced and they don’t think in terms of nuance, and they are not aware of their emotions deeply.

You can do whatever you want in life, but if your heart/spirit aren’t aligned you will be unhappier than before.