I read a YouTube title about a show from long ago where they questioned if one of the actresses liked the people she was acting with. Who cares?
Are we so bankrupt of things to discuss that we have to make up conflict in order to continue to consume media?
I think so. Ever since I noticed that many social media just copy the memes/information from others, it hasn’t looked like social media is a good waste of time.
Since I was curious I have tried most social media platforms. I realize that most of them are garbage, and a waste of time. The only social media platform I am on is LinkedIn and that is only because occasionally I get a job from it. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.
In the past on LinkedIn I would engage with people and try to learn new things. Most of the time it was a waste of time. People don’t want rational discourse on the internet, they just want to have straw man arguments against others. They want to believe what they want and feel more justified when they have to defend their position.
I gave up trying to have intelligent conversation on LinkedIn. People are so intertwined with their beliefs that they can’t even consider new information, much less consider if their beliefs are helping or hurting them.
What I see in life and social media is that people defend the beliefs that are currently and actively hurting them. I see over and over in YouTube and other media people who are directly saying they are unhappy yet when others ask them why they believe, they don’t want to consider new information. More important than having facts, is being willing to consider that you may be wrong. If you can’t consider you may be wrong, then your life is destined for tragedy.
That is the sad fact in life right now. Most people are so tied up with their ego that they can’t step away from their genetics, upbringing to see that perhaps there is a more helpful way to live. One in which they can get their needs met, without hurting the needs and rights of others.
I wonder how much longer selfish jerks will take before they start to admit that perhaps they aren’t right, and others have a right to free choice as well.