Rubbermaid Slim Jim garbage cans work great

big garbage can screenshot

I love the Rubbermaid Slim Jim garbage cans. They work great!

One of the things that I love most about them is the space they take up. Most garbage cans are wide and take up lots of floor space. That doesn’t work when you are trying to recycle in a tight space (small apartment). Since they are tall, it takes up very little floor space which works great in my small kitchen.

I have 4 of them in my kitchen. One for regular garbage, one for plastic, one for metal/glass, and one for cardboard. With this system, I am able to sort the garbage and then place it in the appropriate recycling piles for reuse. I am glad to do my small part.

The one that holds garbage has a lid that keeps the smells under control. I don’t have a smell problem with garbage since I take it out every week or sooner. I hate the smell of garbage. Plus I have learned that I don’t want to be Sarah Cynthia Slyvia Stout. I don’t have a convenient garbage close by since the apartments I am in are cheap. So I drive the garbage every Saturday to the place where the entire block dumps it.

I chose the blue one since it worked well with my decor. I had red garbage cans before but I was tired of that. Sometimes you want a little change in life, right?

These have held up wonderfully. I don’t treat them roughly and I have no doubt that will last a very long time. The other advantage of course is when I move, it will be very easy to move these or to use them to put things into move. It is nice when you have the equipment to help you move already.

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Is there a downside to this? It is more than I would want to pay for a garbage can, but considering how long they are going to last, well worth it.