Reduced the Adsense ads and changed how I work with Gutenberg/Elementor

violence comic

I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to reduce the Adsense ads. They were out of control. Some of them just looked disgusting.

One of them was a dentist advertisement with an ugly set of teeth. Google AdSense said the changes will reflect in an hour. I considered just disabling AdSense.

What I have done with the last two posts is to make them in Gutenberg and then save them in Elementor. So far the formatting has turned out better than I expected.

I really like the default Elementor post types. It shows the content in a very nice way. I haven’t quite figured out how to make Elementor my default editor. If anyone knows how to do that and is willing to share I’d be grateful. I will look to see how I can do it next.

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