Recruiters make me laugh. They do so many silly things.
For example, I had a recruiter message me and ask for my resume. When I sent it, I was told that I didn’t match the requirements. They did a keyword search and then didn’t see the keyword in my two-page resume and then eliminated me. Good luck to that person keeping a steady income.
Another recruiter said to google someone’s name and look at their profile as the job description. No other recruiter has told me to google someone to see if I had the skills for the position. What exactly are they doing to earn their salary again?

Not to be outdone another recruiter keeps sending me the same job every day. I respond and say that it doesn’t match but they ignore it and continue to send me the exact same job. Do they think they are going to wear me down?
Another recruiter said time is of the essence, and when I offered to talk on the phone immediately they sent me a calendar invite to talk another day. Ok, so time isn’t so important.
Not to be outdone another recruiter looked at my resume and asked where the skills they found on my LinkedIn profile were. I explained that when I had resumes longer than 2 pages, people didn’t read them. He wanted me to make a specific resume just for him so that he could present it to the client. I said that you could download my LinkedIn profile, but didn’t know how to do that. This is a basic recruiting skill for people.
I should charge recruiters to learn their jobs. So many don’t know what they are doing.