Pulled the trigger and moving over to Rocket.net

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I decided to pull the trigger and move over to Rocket.net. I am too curious sometimes for my own good.

So far it has been a mixed bag. It immediately accepted my CC payment, but when I put in a support ticket it is still waiting to get responded to. One of the reviews I read on Trustpilot – which Rocket.net had almost perfect reviews – said that he was responded to in the first 15 minutes. That is probably an exception and not the norm. However many of the reviews said that support responded to them in minutes, which is probably true when you don’t have the cheapest plan they offer.

What I don’t like so far is that without having a site setup the interface is vague and empty. I don’t see the traditional CPANEL which isn’t a big deal just different. If they can make it easier for non-IT pros, that is a helpful thing IMHO.

What I do like so far is that they have thought about the UI. That is a promising start. If the average person can sign up and use this easily then that would be amazing. To pass the time I looked at their requested features in development and voted on several that I thought would be helpful. I also read some of their articles on getting started and they have thoughtfully curated the most helpful links in their support. Also a good sign.

Should I be worried if they don’t get this post in their migration? I’m not worried at all. If I break a few links that will be educational as well. Plus until they contact me I will just continue to manage the side as I always have. I don’t expect that to change.

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One thing that should make it faster with this migration is that I have deleted many older posts that were no longer relevant or had working links. Incredibly many websites delete content so that affects the content that I post as well. The Internet is less like a library and more like a store where content will only last as long as there is a profit to be made.



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