Listening to music on repeat is a sign of depression?

music funny comic
music funny comic
music funny comic

Curious about why I enjoy listening to music on repeat I asked Brave AI. The answer said a variety of reasons but it also said that it could be a sign of depression.

I hadn’t considered that. Since music makes us feel good it makes sense that people would self-medicate in that way. Music is healing and has a plethora of benefits.

Fortunately I am not depressed. I am only sharing this if you find yourself constantly listening to the same music over and over. I must admit when I find a new song/mashup I tend to be pulled to listen to it over. This is normal and a few days later then I just include that song with the regular mix of songs I listen to.

One of the best parts of when I used to commute was listening to music and discovering new music. That was a big reason why I loved to commute to work. It was fun to listen to music and when I came to work I had a great attitude. When it was a stressful day music would relax me and I would arrive home relaxed. It was a wonderful memory and I learned so many new groups in that experience.

Ultimately I stopped paying for that music service and only use YouTube now for music. I try to live as open-source and non proprietary as possible.

See also  Its ok to feel uncertain, confused, anxious and whatever you feel.