According to this study 85% of people are afraid they will lose their jobs in 2024.
The workforce is scared and has been for years. Job uncertainty and salaries that barely cover the cost of living have made people stressed and that affects job performance. It is so simple and employers wonder why they see job turnover and no loyalty. Loyalty is a two-way street.
So what can the average person do? I am watching a LinkedIn Learning now that I will share next about how to deal with anxiety at work. I have always suggested people talk to a therapist or a friend, and have fun things that you do when work is done. Life is not just about work and materialism and the most joyful things in life are free. Your attitude and beliefs are keeping you prisoner, and when you examine them, you will be free.
My coworkers have told me that they feel I am easygoing and for the most part I am. However, I have worked in jobs where I felt that the environment was so toxic and tough that working there was painful. Here is an example.
In one job I was fixing the problem that the client had and one of my 5 bosses called me and asked what was taking so long. I told him that I had multiple issues to fix with this client and when I was done that I would return. I had the client verify the story that I had been working on many issues. It takes time to fix lots of issues. Sadly this isn’t the only job where a boss called me to find out what was taking so long. In another job when I returned to the office they asked where I had been and I told them where in the building and that I was fixing issues. I asked if they wanted a list of issues and when they did, the incredibly long list surprised and bored them. When bosses don’t trust their employees, it’s not a pleasant work situation.
So as an employee, I have always done my best and if that isn’t good enough then they can find someone who they think will be a better fit. I am a person first and an employee second. Respect is due to everyone but sadly companies only seem to use people and throw them away on the garbage heap of capitalism. Such is life and we are all poorer because we don’t “share the same heart“.