iPhone stolen on public transit

Iphone Funny Comic

I had my iPhone stolen years ago on public transit. I was using it and when the doors opened at the station someone grabbed it from my hand and ran off. I chased after him but he was too fast for me.

Now this was at a time when I didn’t have a job and was on my way to interview for a new one. So it was not good timing for sure. I explained what happened at the ticket desk and the lady nicely let me use her phone to call the company and explain what happened. The company acted as though I didn’t have an interview scheduled with them so I went back home.

Iphone Funny Comic
iPhone funny comic

I bought the cheapest flip phone I could and Apple wasn’t any help. This was before Find My iPhone so I was out of luck. When I got my next job I bought a new iPhone and then you could lock it and that is what I did. I didn’t get mad at the person who stole it. Perhaps they were hungry and needed that money to buy food for themselves or others. I would have given him money if he had just asked for it, and probably more than that old phone could be sold for.

What I have learned in life is that if you ask for help, people often give it. People want to be generous and feel good, and there are times when we all need help. Of course, I also benefit them at some point because I want to encourage them to give to others. For example, I had a friend who gave me a computer. So I gave her more money back as a gift because being generous goes both ways.

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If we encourage others to be generous with us, by helping them, we not only help ourselves but help others. The world needs more kindness, which seems to be in short supply these days.

I often wonder what happened to the gentleman who stole my phone. Did he get what he needed to survive? Was my part in helping him something that helped him change his life, or has he moved on to more hurtful things? We don’t control everything about our lives, so if I have to be a victim of crime taking my property is what I want. I am happy to give anyone anything I have, as long as I or others with me aren’t hurt. It is funny how often it takes desperate people to see the true priorities in life.