The iPad setup yesterday was wonderful. Apple always is making things easier.
I had never upgraded an iPad to a better iPad. When it came time to upgrade it was so intuitive. The new iPad knew that I had an existing iPad and offered to set it up. I had done this with my iPhone setup and my computer but never with one iOS device to another. It took about 10 minutes and putting in the Apple ID password and the new iPad was exactly like the old one. What a joy to use!
I really have been enjoying the new iPad. It is fun to have a responsive game and not worry about crashing like I used to. You can only use things for so long until they get irritating to use. I was irritated by how long it took to charge and the constant crashing in my game. Now I am good for another 7 years I hope.
One of the other things that impressed me during the setup of the new iPad is that it offered the choice if this was going to be a device used for a family. That was a nice touch to make it easier for people. I have never used the family protection settings but I can understand why some people feel they are necessary. I like the fact that for an average person it is an easy process that makes technology more accessible.
Is there something I don’t like about the new iPad? I am not crazy about the cost of the Apple Pencil. It seems way out of proportion for what you get. Maybe that will change when I receive it in a few days. I do like having the USB C charging which is a luxury compared to the old charging. I would like to standardize on USB C and once a few devices die I will be able to.
I am not advocating for buying an iPad unless using an old one causes you stress as it did for me.