I think I have reached this point.
This isn’t to complain but rather to be grateful that I have this problem. I had a generous friend buy me a Mac/pc laptop, and then 3 years later I bought myself a gaming laptop. Then with the computer that was given to me, I have 4 laptops now, and honestly, I can’t use them all.
I am using everything but the oldest computer which is the Mac. It is currently off and on the side of my U-shaped desk. It was doing what the donated computer is doing now. Monitoring Teams, Outlook, and LinkedIn. However, it is wasteful to use that powerful computer on that simple task so the cheaper computer can do that. I have been debating what I should do with the Mac. How can I make an older Mac computer useful to me?
Right now my gut feeling says that I should donate it to someone who can use it. However since it is my only Mac, I still help customers with Mac issues so it helps that I test things on it. Yes I know I could install Mac OS in VirtualBox on Linux which is what I might do.
I could give it away to someone in my building. I bet many people would love to use this computer. This is a good option for me. It will find a good home and be loved.
Perhaps a friend would benefit from having it. I will ask my friends if they want a Mac laptop.
I hate for things to sit and not be used especially when they are still useful. It seems so wasteful that we hold onto things that we don’t use until they are useless. I don’t want to be that kind of person. My maybe of using it isn’t enough to keep it.
I’m open to ideas if you have them.