How many interviews are enough?

comic job interview

Have you ever had this experience? You go to interview for a job and the company tells you that they have tons of interviews? At what point do you have to say enough?

I interviewed with one company and the interviewer told me that they had 8 interviews. I stopped after six because I had another job offer.

Another company asked me to interview all day at their HQ. I got there at 9 and left at 5 and had an interview roughly every hour. I was asked pretty much the same things. It was a complete waste of time. One of the interviews told me that if I didn’t get the job not worry because he said that people have very peculiar personalities fit they want and there wasn’t anything wrong with me.

A small company had my interview 6 times, and then offered me the job, and then told me that I had to wait a month since there was a “hiring freeze”. I interviewed with other companies in the meantime because I have to pay the bills.

A very large company had my interview with them and then asked me about my employment history. I explained that many companies have financial issues and IT is the first to be let go. They said that I wasn’t qualified to work with them because of my employment history. Then why did they ask me to come in to interview me?

One place interviewed me and I never heard back from them. Three months later the recruiter who submitted me reached out to me about the position. Turns out the first guy’s consulting company wasn’t renewed and the position was open. I had another few interviews and got the position.

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As a rule, almost all of the jobs I have gotten have had no fewer than 5-10 interviews and taken between 5-10 hours. It is interesting isn’t it when companies complain about not having qualified workers they overlook so many talented and capable people who get thrown out with interviews designed to choose a personality type rather than skills or qualifications.

I am not saying that personality is not important. I am saying that hiring managers pick personalities that they like or agree with. I have point-blank been asked questions about religion, sex, dating, and all manner of illegal questions. If I had not answered them in the way that the interviewer wanted them to be answered, I would not have gotten the job. You shouldn’t need to be both white and have the same personality as the interviewer to get a job.