I feel back to normal after being sick yesterday from my COVID shot.
The only thing that is an issue is that there is soreness where the injection was. Which is fine because it doesn’t stop me from working.
The main reason I am sharing this now is that yesterday it was a popular article and I like to finish a story. The news media says that fewer people are expected to get this COVID vaccination and I can understand why.
First it won’t be subsidized like previous ones. Which means that depending on peoples health insurance, it may have some out of pocket expense. For most people who are struggling right now, that is a real issue.
Second I think that vaccination fatigue has set in. I think that people are making a choice just like with the Flu vaccine, what their individual risks are. I have never taken the Flu vaccine regularly because I didn’t suffer from it mostly. If I did start to suffer from it, I might rethink that policy. However since I have gotten COVID from the workplace, I don’t wish to experience that.
My friends used to joke with me that I was a hypochondriac. My doctor disagrees. I want to be healthy, and its difficult to know where to draw the line.