WordPress WP LinkedIn AutoPublish developer is amazing

Wordpress Ideas
Wordpress Ideas
WordPress ideas

For the second time the developer of the WordPress Plugin WP LinkedIn AutoPublish helped me.

I have to thank him publicly because I have not bought this plugin since it is free. He has a more expensive option that I haven’t needed, but if I have another problem I am going to buy the more expensive version.

Now you might say to yourself, why would you buy a plugin that has caused you two problems? Because when a developer supports a product, that is worth supporting the developer.

Also both of the problems weren’t his fault. The first problem happened because LinkedIn changed the way they did things, and they didn’t announce it. The second problem happened because of another plugin and once I disabled that plugin, it worked. It appeared to be an issue with the plugin/LinkedIn, but of course with technology things are not always so simple.

People who know what they are doing are worth supporting. I really value that after I had this problem for two days, he responded to me the day that I reached out to him. He tried to recreate the problem, again for free, and when he couldn’t find a problem on his side suggested a course of action that was a solution. This is exactly how support should be. The company/vendor guides the user in the appropriate direction to finding the solution.

I wrote up my experience on his forum so that if other people had this issue they could benefit. It helps when we share our experiences so that others can learn. I can’t tell you how many solutions I have found because others have shared their experiences online. Having the internet as a resource has been so critical to finding solutions in IT.

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