Fedora is an amazing Linux distro


OpenSuse wasn’t making NoMachine more reliable, so it was time to try a distro I hadn’t used for years – Fedora.

Why did I choose this? I tried it years ago and it was highly rated at DistroWatch so I figured maybe its because it was good. I also tried MX Linux and others which I did not like.

I was surprised the moment I started the install. It was one of the easiest/fastest installs I have ever done. It had been 20 years since I last used Fedora and I remember it being so slow. That’s why i didn’t use it for a long time. However now it may be one of the fastest I have used.

I am not trying to sell this, just share my experience. I was surprised how well designed it was. It has very strong Apple iPhone iOS user design. If you didn’t know better you would think they were going for an iOS UI design. If you have used an iPhone/iPad you will instantly pick this up. I also like how the dock at the bottom is hidden by default. To see it you simply move your mouse to the upper left corner where the button is and it shows this dock and window space. This is thoughtful design. It helps introduce people into the concept of virtual desktops in an easier way than other distros.

Is there a downside? I haven’t experienced one. NoMachine has not crashed on it so far which hasn’t happened on any other Linux variant I have tried. There was a moment where the window froze but I was able to minimize and maximize the browser and it continued normally. I think this is a fault of running a VM machine like MuMu and then sharing that window with NoMachine. Its a lot of window management that almost no one else I think is going to do. Still it works great and so far has been the most compatible and supportive of NoMachine.

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In the search box at the top you can type in an application like Brave that it doesn’t come with and it brings you to the Flathub page where you can download and install it. That is the easiest and most intuitive application installer that I have seen. you don’t have to start a program it just is ready to go. Very good. I’m still trying to think of a negative. Nothing is perfect. Oh, using Rufus to make the installer took a while. It took a long time to format my USB drive. I have a cheap USB drive I used so it may be due to the drive being cheap. I can’t blame Fedora for the speed it takes a third-party app to format the USB media. If you burned a CD/DVD or used a faster USB this is a non issue.

Give this a chance and I think you will love it.