I don’t understand when people think they have “gotten away” with something. No one ever gets away with anything.
No, I am not saying that I believe in a higher power. We don’t need a higher power to hold people accountable for their actions. Even if people seem to die without facing the consequences, the judgment of history is against them, and what a heavy judgment that will be.
I am not arguing that we shouldn’t hold people accountable in this life. I said everyone is accountable in the title. We fool ourselves as if our selfish actions don’t matter. That the harm we cause doesn’t have ramifications. Every unhelpful thing we do counts against us, and I am not talking about Karma I’m talking about being practical.
I’ll give you an example. What do you think will happen to companies that treat prospective candidates disrespectfully in the recruitment process? Companies don’t seem to understand that when you sow seeds of disrespect, people will not respect you. We can’t ask others to give us what we don’t give them. It is so simple, and how stupid we are to forget that.
Why am I writing this? I am helping a friend deal with a situation where someone was abusive towards someone in a protected class. I just don’t get the stupidity. It’s one thing to verbally harass someone because you are angry. Perhaps that is even forgivable. It is another to sit down and write an abusive email that shows you to be a jerk. Why would create evidence like that against yourself? Is your anger more important than not facing consequences for it? I believe in accountability. Everyone has the face the consequences of their decisions.
If people don’t face the consequences of their decisions, their descendants will. Justice will always prevail. People want justice and will find a way to get it.