I love some youtube channels in which I have learned many things. I thought you might like them as well.
- Steve1989MREInfo – I already wrote about this guy earlier but I enjoy his relaxed videos.
- SixBlindKids – Most of them are no longer kids but it is still fascinating to watch. You really learn so much from their life.
- SBSK – This is a channel in which he helps us understand how life is for people who are differently abled.
- CheapRVliving – This guy talks about ways to rv cheaply and helps people who are homeless or living out of the car.
- Vice – Interesting documentaries that let you learn so many useful things.
- Al Jazeera English – News from the world in an easy-to-understand and thorough format. Great reporting!
- Real Engineering – Science-based explanations of things. Really well done.
- Captain Joe – If you want to understand aviation this is the place to do it.
- Microsoft Education – Lots of great tutorials on Microsoft products like Office and more.
- Veritasium – Another channel about science and exploration of ideas
- Exploring alternatives – Exploring different ways of living: small homes, rvs, others.
- The Guardian – Investigative world journalism.
- PBS Frontline – Excellent content and analysis.
- Last Week Tonight – Nicely researched and well-argued issues.
I will add to this list as I can remember more. What I like most about these sources is that we would never have this information pre-internet and our world would be less because of it.
It is humbling to experience the world of others through the screen. We get so wrapped up in our lives that we forget the rest of the world is going through much worse situations. If you learn about others you can’t help but feel grateful for your own life. I can’t begin to understand what some lives are like. I think I have a good imagination at times, but I can’t always imagine how I would feel in others’ lives.
We can use our imagination to grow and become more emphatic people.