Downside of being an HSP

Hsp Comic
Hsp Comic
HSP comic

If you know an HSP in your life, they are probably suffering right now.

Part of being a HSP is that we automatically empathize with others. That means in a very real way, when others are hurting we hurt.

We don’t limit our empathy to people who believe in the same way that we do. It is automatic and it is not something we can control.

Don’t misunderstand. I am not complaining. I have learned to accept the shortsightedness, and selfishness of 99% of people. Very few people actually care for others, and those who do get punished for it.

For example Martin Luther King when he was speaking out about injustice, 70% of the whites disliked him and 55% of the blacks disliked him. Can you image? Being disliked by the people you are trying to help? What is the point of trying to help people who can’t act in their own interest?

Yet this is the standard in life. When people have a victim mentality, they are the victim even when they are villain and victimizing others.

Generally people in the arts like actors, poets, and creative people tend to be HSP’s. However there can be HSP’s in many walks of life. We accept that people are jerks, and that we can’t do anything about it.

When we find authentic, sincere people we remember and rejoice in those people. One of the advantages of being an HSP is that people generally call us authentic, sincere because we have to deal with the emotions in the decisions that we do.

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HSP’s are fantastic when there are complex discussions or times when peoples opinion need to be considered. We make great therapists, doctors, and many roles because we listen to the emotion and not just the words.

We suffer when anyone suffers. We try to fix others suffering as best we can. We are not responsible to fix the suffering of the world, but we do what we can to inspire and give hope and love to others. Its being a low-key superhero without the cape. We don’t want to do this, but we feel compelled to do it because of empathy.

The world needs more empathy and less posturing.