I had a recruiter ask me again to leave the country.
Why? He wanted me to work in Abu Dhabi using my IT skills. I had this offer also extended to me about 20 years ago. It was a company that wanted me for my IT skills and offered me 3 times the normal salary I was getting in the US for the job.
I thought about it but it didn’t feel right at the time. Turns out my gut intuition was correct. The country is well known to mistreat foreign workers. See more in this Wiki article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Dhabi
It was an easy decision when that LinkedIn DM happened. I said no thank you.
The first time it happened I researched it and found human rights violations as well. I’m kinda big on my human rights. When I confronted the recruiter about it, they acted dumb and said that it doesn’t happen. Yeah whose the one taking the risk?
I won’t ever move to a country that doesn’t have a democratic and representative form of government. Why would I put myself in that situation? If countries don’t respect human rights, I don’t want to support them in any way.