Are we just trading our addictions?

Addictions Truth
Addictions Truth
addictions truth

As I realized that I might be addicted to mashups, I thought I’d ask chatgpt what are addictive activities. This is what it said:

  • Substance Use: Drugs (illegal or prescription), alcohol, nicotine.
  • Gambling: Compulsive betting despite negative consequences.
  • Video Gaming: Excessive gaming, especially in multiplayer online games.
  • Social Media: Endless scrolling and interaction on platforms like Instagram or Facebook.
  • Shopping (Compulsive Buying): Excessive shopping as a coping mechanism, despite financial issues.
  • Food: Overeating or compulsive eating, especially unhealthy foods.
  • Exercise: Compulsive exercise beyond healthy limits.
  • Work (Workaholism): Obsessive working that harms relationships and well-being.
  • Pornography/Sex: Excessive consumption of pornography or compulsive sexual behavior.
  • Internet Browsing: Spending excessive time online, neglecting responsibilities.

I had to laugh. I thought I was making progress in life, but I was just trading one addiction for another.

For example, its clear that I browse the internet too much. I don’t neglect responsibilities but I do need other hobbies. How funny to learn from the internet, that you rely on it too much. It is the same as realizing you are an alcoholic in a bar.

I had family members that abused alcohol and I told myself I would never do drugs. But no matter what your addiction is, if it hurts you then its time to let it go.

If you see yourself in this article reach out for professional help. You deserve to be happy.

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