AI video is making YouTube useless

Youtube Comic
Youtube Comic
youtube comic

I am considering not watching YouTube anymore because of the overwhelming AI fake video content.

It happens in long and short videos. I see things and think to myself “That can’t be real”. In the last 24 hours I have seen 3 things that I recognized as potentially false and then researched it and found out they were false.

Therefore the medium since it can’t be trusted is no longer a good source of information. You can’t trust what you read either, so it is really difficult to know what is real and fake anymore.

I don’t know the solution to this. Perhaps I have to retreat from social media and read from more authoritative and trusted sources. Perhaps the days of stumbling on good content has come to an end.

I think YouTube not labeling AI video is a mistake and will lead to people leaving their platform. No one wants to look stupid, and no one has the intellectual time/energy to challenge things. No doubt I have seen things that were AI that I didn’t realize, so instead of learning I am filling my head with lies.

YouTube has crossed the line from being entertainment to being toxic. Probably crossed that long ago but I was too slow to realize it.

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