Why record numbers of people will be quitting their job

job interview comic
job interview comic
job interview comic

I watched a interesting YouTube video yesterday about why people are quitting their jobs. This is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b6hetdvQbI

I agree with what he says. In the comments you can read what people feel about their jobs and the frustration they feel. People want to do a good job, but when they get paid not enough to pay their bills, not appreciated and other issues it isn’t worth it.

Companies don’t seem to understand that in order to survive, they need the best and brightest workers. Yet they act in ways that push away those people. Instead they only measure what they can see, which is the worst way to run a business.

Lets get specific. Often in interviews I am asked what KPI (Key performance indicators) I would watch as a manager. I always answer the same. None of them. If you focus on a few variables, then employees will focus on those variables and other things will not be paid attention to. For example, in one company I was asked to survey all the printers and get the order numbers to order more toner. I did that and when I put in the order my manager said it cost more than it ever had.

The reason for that is that I bought long capacity toners that had a cheaper per page cost of printing. When I explained that to him he didn’t care and all he cared is what the costs were this quarter, even though I was saving money. So he told me to go through the order and make it cheaper and he didn’t care about the per page costs.

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Ok. Companies say they want to control costs, but not really. It is clear that when you really get down to it, they prefer to do what is easy and expected rather than what can challenge them or change their process. I did what I was asked with the printers. When a coworker continued to abuse me verbally and I brought it to this managers attention he did nothing. I left the company since I was only a consultant, and they had no desire to fix their issues.

I was told by the recruiting company that I only needed to tell someone that I was being verbally abused and something would have been done. I told them that I told the manager and he said it wasn’t his problem and that if I couldn’t do my job then they would find someone who could. Now tell me, if you were an employee how does that make you want to work for a company?

This story is not unique. I am not a victim, but I have been around enough managers who did the opposite of managing. Instead of controlling costs and improving processes, they wasted time on things that didn’t matter. Now some of my managers were fantastic. They believed in me and complimented me and appreciated me. However companies go through hard times, and IT is an easy thing to cut since it can be outsourced easily when you do your job properly. I don’t take things personally. Companies must do what they think is best just like individuals.

People work at companies when they can pay their bills and are respected. It is that easy folks.

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