I never understand people who just believe something when the person who says it has no credibility or is a known liar.
It makes sense that people believe what they want to believe. I can understand that. What is hard for me to understand is that people tell you things and they directly hurt you.
Practical and concrete things is what I am talking about here. For example, I got an email this morning from someone in Nigeria who had 1 connection and a flowery introduction. It made no sense what he was doing, and when something makes no sense, it is a scam.
If your intuition says that something is a scam, it is. If someone flatters you and then asks a question, they are setting you up. If someone tells you what you want to hear and is easy for you, they benefit from it.
Almost no one in this world tells us the hard truths in life. Maybe our parents or a sincere friend. The people who we trust because we have seen they act in our best interests, of course we should trust them. But then we allow other people to influence us who see us as a stepping stone on their ladder of success, and don’t care about what the results of their advice is.
To me 99% of the BS I see on social media is actively harmful. People act as though they are experts when they have problems getting the lid of a pickle jar. People puff themselves up with appearance and inside they are empty and dead. Follow and believe people who challenge you. Who ask you to look inside yourself and to be generous and help others. That is a legacy worth pursuing.