I learned yesterday what Outrage marketing is. Strike Force has used this to get free advertising, and for that, it is another reason to drop it.
In case you don’t know when you have a strong outrage to something being unfair, then outrage marketing is at work. Now I won’t assume positive intentions from anyone. They manipulate the situation to gain unfair and unwarranted advantage.
I am guilty of this first of all. I let my empathy for Valleyflyin cause me to react to what I perceived as an unfair situation. Now what Outrage marketing is conditioning people to do is to allow any junk to be normalized, because the alternative benefits them.
It isn’t just this company that uses this, but also popular political people. Anyone who says outrageous statements is guilty of this. We have to temper our responses so that we don’t fall victim to this. Some people are victims in life, but with this tactic we have to work smarter.
If you feel emotional about something you are being manipulated.