We don’t walk away from things enough

walking people photo
walking people photo
walking people photo

I realized today that I didn’t walk away from things fast enough in my life.

Why would you walk away from something? When it hurts you, and there is no reasonable expectation that things will change.

Here is an example. I started working at a company once where I was told I would be the IT manager. When I went to meet my new coworkers the boss was with me. When I was talking with them the boss left and the old IT manager was still there. I was told he would be let go. I should have left the company the first day I started, but like a fool I stayed there.

You don’t have to make the same mistake that I did. If people abuse you at a company, you need to leave no matter what. Your health and well-being are far more important than worrying about the effect of finances. You can’t survive when you put yourself somewhere that you aren’t valued.

When others don’t value you, don’t argue. Just leave.

See also  Blood Orange — "You're Not Good Enough" (Official Music Video)