You would think that working from home you would wake up later but it turns out you wake up earlier.
Why? I think there are several reasons for me. The first is that the time I have I don’t waste doing things that don’t bring value to myself and others. This means that I have more energy for the critical things that I need to do, such as work.
This is not to humble brag, but just to share and help people understand why people can accomplish more working from home. I know I am far more efficient.
When I started working from home I went to bed later knowing that I could get up later. Then after a while, I started to go to bed earlier. I didn’t need to stay up later to get things done, and having a regular schedule made me even more focused and efficient.
Then as I became rested I woke up earlier naturally. I don’t have an alarm clock. I wake up when my body says its time to wake up. That time slowly got earlier and earlier. I didn’t feel anxious about having to catch the boat, time traffic or the bus, I knew that whatever time I woke up was ok.
Now some people will say that the AT HOME chart is unrealistic. What about kids, or tasks that need to be done. Why wouldn’t someone do those tasks? The truth is that you can do those tasks easily, and before the workday starts.
I am writing this article now because I got everything done that I needed to do today before my start of work day at 9. I realized looking at the clock at 8:55 that I had all the tasks done. The clothes were washed, the dishes were washed, the trash was taken out. I have enough time to do that before the day starts, and when I start the day I am not focused on anything else but work. I can’t understand why employers wouldn’t want an employee focused on the job 100% and not distracted because they don’t have the time to take care of the tasks in their lives.
A video was shared earlier about the study that showed that working from home/hybrid were superior to other options for workers. The data supports this. Why is there a reluctance from management? I think people are stuck in the idea that employees are children and need to be babysat. If there is low trust, then that makes sense. However when I work with companies as a consultant, there is high trust that I am doing my job, and I do everything I can to show the value and honor my commitment to my client.
When you care about your job, it doesn’t matter where you work, you show your value. If you don’t care about your job, you are a cost/burden no matter if you sit in the office.