Used WebEx today and it was terrible

Bambis Mother
Bambis Mother
Bambis mother

I used WebEx today in a meeting with a vendor they wanted and it was unusable.

The first problem is the sound was choppy. Everyone said that everyone else kept being choppy. I couldn’t hear or understand anyone. Second, the person I was talking with a camera wasn’t working. Terrible experience. We moved to Teams and everything worked perfectly.

I haven’t used WebEx for a long time since today. Almost everyone uses Teams/Zoom. Both of which were better than that product. We didn’t change anything but the software and it worked. Clearly, that shows that the software is the issue or the route that software is taking on the internet is the issue.

When the vendor chose WebEx I was surprised. It doesn’t matter to me what software people want to use I always come early to a meeting to test it. I talked to the vendor and we met before the meeting with another vendor when we spoke every few minutes the graphics would be distorted and I couldn’t see what was currently being streamed. I should have realized that if that happens with the video then the same thing will happen to the audio. But like a hopeful person, I figured that WebEx just had a display issue and not an audio one as well.

I don’t need to hear if WebEx is working for you. That great and I am happy for you. Just warning others that it isn’t what it used to be. So if you see someone who wants to have this kind of meeting, maybe ask them if we could do something else.

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