Trying to save a fig plant

Plant Humor
Plant Humor
Plant humor

With the colder weather the fig plant started to lose leaves. I wondered why.

It turns out that fig plants are tropical and need lots of care. I found a forum in which people talked about all of the things that they had to do to keep it healthy and thriving. I also did some Brave AI research and discovered many valuable things as well.

It turns out that when fig plants get under 59 degrees F they get stressed. Overnight I turn down the heat to 72 and its likely that it got colder than that. I woke up cold so a tropical plant was cold.

I also realized that I had made the mistake of giving it direct sunlight. It prefers indirect sunlight. So I moved it to the living room and now it gets indirect sunlight.

Hopefully these changes will help it go back to being healthy. It is a common experience for a fig plant to drop leaves when stressed. Everything needs to be in an environment which it can thrive including people.

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