There is more beauty than ugliness in the world

Musical Disagreement
Musical Disagreement
musical disagreement

It doesn’t seem possible, but there is more beauty than ugliness in the world.

I am aware of the great injustices in life. I know the millions of people who die from lack of water and food. We always have strife and we should not become immune to those in need.

With that said, there is great beauty and truth in the world. Most people are loving to others they know, despite the poor decisions they make as a group. One of the tragedies of being human is that sometimes our lack of empathy for those we don’t know keep us from making better decisions.

So how can I say what I said? Easy. It is true because if the world ran on cruelty we could not exist, and our society would not work. While it is debatable how well it is working now, the fact that we can have basic respect towards others that are different from us keeps us moving forward.

Yet there are people who want to turn back the clock on progress. While enjoying all of the benefits from everyone contributions, they seek to only allow a very select group to benefit. That is not in the best interest of most of us.

I find it confusing why people act against their own interests. We want to judge others and tell others what they deserve, but we believe that we are special and the rules don’t apply to us. That is not a society, that is a recipe for sociopaths.

Despite all of this, people are pushing forward and the actions of people who want to hurt peoples freedom, right to choose and live a life they want will go forward. People will continue to hurt others needlessly but perhaps this is part of the painful lesson they need to learn. Heaven knows I made plenty of mistakes in my decisions.

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Treat others with kindness and don’t make people jump through hoops just to feed your own ego. Your desires are not the reality that the world needs.