The only time that the cheaper projector is a problem are days like today where it is very sunny outside.
I am not looking the projector screen but the computer. While I can see it on the screen it is hard to read and it would cause me more eye strain to look there.
The special Ambient Light Reflecting screen is trying to reject the light, but it is near a south facing window and the light is intense. Even though I have a light white mesh curtain, the indirect light is too much.
Now if the walls of the apartment were dark and absorbed light it could work. However I can’t change that. I could close the outer vertical slat curtains but then the plant wouldn’t get the indirect sunlight it needs. I can’t both keep a plant thriving and have the darkness on the brightness days.
At noon even on sunny days like today the light is less of an issue. It becomes manageable and the ALR screen shows me enough contrast to use it. So it means that I just have to be patient for about 3 hours in the morning and then things will be fine.
One solution would be to get a secondary curtain and put that on the most inward side of the room. That would allow the plant to get the sun, and then block the light. However the special kind of curtain rod that I need costs $300 because it can support itself without drilling which i am not allowed to do. I might do that in the future, but it is not a burning need right now.
It has been so helpful to have extra curtains that I can put on the curtain road to block out the light during the heat of summer. It made it so much cooler and more pleasant. Even though there are some downsides with light, I love the heat in the room because of the window and the included heating as part of the rent. That has saved lots of money and I have been the most comfortable I have ever been.
If you think about things long enough you will find a solution. Generally the answer includes money.