Strike Force has lots of problems lately

Games Funny Comic
Games Funny Comic
games funny comic

When you work in IT, you can have plenty of reasons to justify when IT things go wrong.

I have to call a spade a spade. Marvel Strike Force has had more problems lately than any other game I have ever played.

This isn’t to complain but rather to note that companies don’t have unlimited goodwill. I have been wondering if I should find another game to play, one that has more stability and less drama.

I think people are addicted to drama. I just like things to work and if they don’t, then I move on. I don’t want to deal with stress from something that should just provide fun.

Of course nothing is perfect, and I have given MSF lots of leeway. I think that its time to face reality and say that certain levels of performance are unacceptable and its time to move on. Change is never easy, but when what is happening hurts the player, we have to send the company a message. I have no problem sending messages to companies who think their players have no choice.

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