I like quotations from people. It is fun to learn from the experience of others. So when I was in college I used to post on the bulletin boards quotes that I thought were interesting every week. I posted them when no one was around, and it always amused me to see what people would say about them when I was at the bulletin board. (Yes I am aware this shows my age.)
One day while I was at the bulletin board/front desk I was getting some information and the student clerk at the front talked to me about it. She said, “What do you think of that quote?”
“I like it. I wonder who has been putting those up?”, I curiously asked.
“I don’t know, but I’d like to know who it is.”, she said. “I like them and would love to meet the person.”
“Oh really?“, I said. “Just because of some quotes?”
“Well it’s more than that, he took the time to post them also.”, she said. “I think that shows character.”
“That’s interesting.”, I replied. “Well I am the one who posts those”, I admitted.
“Really, that’s so cool!”, she said excitedly and gave me a hug. We were friends for the rest of the year. I didn’t plan on getting something when I gave, but I have always gotten more than I give in life.