I was waiting for the elevator and a seasoned black woman walked up to me. She was panting like she was in pain, so naturally, I asked “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine,” she said. “I just finished with a spa treatment and it was more intense than I expected.”
We both got on the elevator to go to our destination and continued talking.
“I am a two-time cancer survivor so I sometimes get winded,” she explained.
“I’m glad that you are ok,” I said. “I don’t think I have survived anything” I joked with her.
“Oh I’m sure you have,” she said. “Life can throw some curve balls.”
“Yes it can I agreed.” I smiled and the bell rang that we were at her floor.
“Thanks for listening,” she said.
“No problem,” I said. “Good luck!”
Sometimes all you have to do is show the tiniest bit of compassion and people respond to it like a thirsty man in a desert. I know how good it feels when people listen to me, so I want to share that with others.