I was curious so I uninstalled Steam with the Flatpack option and installed it directly from the OpenSuse Discover option. It seems to be a tad faster.
I experimented with Steam a lot yesterday. I tried different versions of Proton and didn’t see a big difference between the experimental version and the version before that in playing Fallout and Cities Skyline. I tried to also install Control but that didn’t work at all.
I have spent hours trying to configure Steam to work on Linux with NVIDIA graphics and not having great success. I did install the latest NVIDIA Linux driver yesterday while I was troubleshooting, and it was a tad faster but again none of those games were what you could consider playable. I am not into games much so this doesn’t bother me but it is surprising the poor graphical/game experience that I am having on this NVIDIA card system. Like I said before it was problematic on Windows and Mac with these games so I guess these games just have poor programming. I exceed their recommended hardware with this computer.
What also is interesting is that Proton the compatibility layer in Linux seems inconsistent in Steam. I say that because when I was testing yesterday I had tried two games and had poor success but when I installed Control before it installed it, it said Proton compatibility access needed to be installed. So it wasn’t installed before? Installing it didn’t help Control even launch so it was of no use to me there.
Now one interesting option I have is to install Steam in VirtualBox in a different distro. Some distros claim to have NVIDIA support already configured like OpenSuse Leap. This might require signing the unsigned drivers so that they will load which is what I did with Linux Mint. This takes away from the ease of use for the average user, and ideally, I’d like to avoid that if I can. However I might be left with no choice, so I am still evaluating this option. I was unimpressed with Steam in Linux Mint with the NVIDIA drivers so I am not strongly motivated to test it with LEAP.
This requires more study and experimentation and this is on my long-term projects list that I will do as I have time. As of now the Marvel Strike Force and web games are filling my casual gaming needs.