I got sick from my COVID shot yesterday. I expected to get sick and just planned for it.
This is not a complaint. I am a big boy and I made a choice knowing this would probably happen. I have always gotten sick from COVID shots, and while it isn’t fun if it helps protect me it is worth it.
That is why I am late with this article today. It will probably be my only post today. I had a treatment from my doctor and I feel better but I still have a bit of a headache.
When I was a kid and got the MMR vaccine I felt sick too. My immune system is ready to defend and while I appreciate its vigilance I would be ok with a less engaging response. Pros/cons for everything in life. If my immune system didn’t respond like this, it might not respond to the real thing as vigorously. Life is about being patient. Hopefully tomorrow I will be back to normal.
Its not always easy doing the responsibile thing. For me since I have asthma this is the thing that I am supposed to do. If I did not have asthma I would not be doing a COVID shot. I am not telling you what you should do, just what makes sense for me.