Quiet neighbors make this apartment incredible

Apartments For Dogs
Apartments For Dogs
apartments for dogs

My new apartment isn’t perfect, but I feel grateful everyday I am here.

As I was sitting here thinking of what I could share I realized how quiet it is. In my previous apartment the people above us had a child who had some developmental issues and so the child who was an adult would made noise and distressing sounds. It was not a comfortable thing to hear.

In this apartment I have barely heard my other apartment people, even though I am surrounded by them in 5 directions in comparison to only 2 directions in my previous place. The sense of peace has been incredible.

Now there is more road noise but that is bearable and when I wear headphones it completely disappears. This is part of the reason that I find mashups to share. Besides being incredibly creative, they have block the sound when occasional boy racers and their loud mufflers happen.

Still even without the headphones, I would have chosen this place. You can get used to a constant sound, but sounds that sound like a human is in distress is something that is not easily ignored by HSP like me. Perhaps if my heart was dead it wouldn’t bother me, but it isn’t, so I don’t like to listen to human suffering.

Yet, people who have medical conditions and who are sometimes in pain need housing and so I only had the choice to bear it. Of course I could have moved out, but that was part of the benefit of a job so it was a significant savings that I was lucky to experience.

There are always pros and cons in life. I have been so lucky that my life has improved even when it didn’t feel like it at first.

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