I went to turn on the Projector this morning and it wouldn’t respond. Even though it showed the power was on, it wasn’t responding to the remote. Thinking perhaps the batteries are dead I tried to push the button on the unit and no response.
Now this is much more interesting problem. Since the unit has a built in power battery I can’t just reset it by pulling the power adapter. I did pull the power adapter anyway, and held down the power button for 10 seconds hoping it would turn off but it didn’t. This is a basic power function and I was surprised it didn’t work.
Then I held down the power button and other keys and it turned off. Ok then. I turned it back on and it acted normally. I couldn’t see any damage to the unit and it hadn’t fallen, so what caused this?
One theory I have is the heat. It sits about 5 feet from the heater that is turned off, but just like a radiator it has a hot pipe going through it. The unit itself just blows air over the hot pipe to make heat. With the unit off, the heaters are still incredibly warm. This is warmest I have ever been in an apartment/condo. I am not complaining but I open the window because it is the only way I have to cool things down. I feel very lucky to be so warm.
However the projector may not like this. So I am strongly considering moving the screen and projector so that it is away from the heat. I have thought about moving the screen anyway since I want to be closer to the cool air from outside. Still giving this some thought.
The projector is still under its one year warranty. This isn’t a sign of its reliability. I tend to either buy cheap things or expensive things and somehow both of them seem to have issues. Nothing is perfect when most things are make like junk. I have watched lots of YouTube videos where mechanics say that an older car is more mechanically reliable than newer cars. It seems like that age of better products than the previous generation is gone.
Is it any surprise that we are in this situation when people only think of the short-term?