Pain caused me to change

Farm Stand Unpersoned
Farm Stand Unpersoned
Farm stand unpersoned

The last few days my right arm was hurting and I just figured out why. I had been leaning it too much on the edge of my desk.

My desk is pretty cheap and there isn’t a good way to change how sharp the edges are. Instead I needed to rethink my workspace.

It wasn’t easy. The problem is that with a limited amount of space, there were only so many configurations I could move the desk in. It also meant moving 4 laptops and keeping the projector a suitable distance from the screen so it still had a similar image.

I figured it out. I rotated my U shaped desk 90 degrees and hid the projector under the open bottom of the U shape. Since it was on a stand before, it continued to use the same stand. I had to move the desk away from where the image projected, but some of it is still under the desk and working fine. Don’t worry the desk is a minimalist design and has plenty of air flow.

Now I still have 4 laptops on the U shaped desk, but the two that are most important are at the front, and the two that are less important are in the rear. I can easily access them if I need to if NoMachine breaks down. I don’t have NoMachine on the client computer but since that is a test/development computer I wouldn’t install it anyway. I can directly access that as well.

This is actually a better design than what I had before. It opens up the floor space in a delightful way. I am humbled how often change makes things better. I thought when I first set up the room I had designed it in the best way. It was not best if it caused my muscle to be sore. Fortunately in a few days the muscle will feel better and I will have a cleaner and more helpful room.

See also  ''All mental illness stems from lack of attuned care'' - Alain De Botton

Be open to change, and you will be surprised at the benefits.