I told a friend today that when someone treats you badly, it says everything about them and nothing about you. I’m not sure he believed me. Tomorrow I am going to share this study with him.
This study says that 50% of US citizens either have a chronic health condition, mental disorder or substance abuse issue. Those are really serious issues. So it is understandable that manners are probably low on their list.

I used to take personally how people treated me. The first time that I was let go was because of massive company layoffs but I felt like it was something personal. However, my boss said it wasn’t me, just the economy. So in time, I learned that businesses have to face some hard choices, and it is understandable why they do what they need to do.
Don’t misunderstand. I am not agreeing with, or supporting every decision someone makes. I have an opinion and the right to my opinion. However, it is not my money, which means that ultimately it is not my choice. It is interesting isn’t it that we think we have a right to have something in our life when nothing is guaranteed?
Each day I have reason to be thankful for what I have inside. I am not talking about the clothes, food, or housing although I certainly appreciate that. Mostly I am grateful that I am healthy, with no mental disorders or substance abuse issues. I can see now why many people find life so challenging.
Yet it wasn’t always this way. The US health condition has worsened in many ways by weight gain and so on in the last 30 years. As a nation, we seem to have more mental disorders and substance abuse issues even with the war on drugs and huge health spending. Health care in the US will be a challenge to control without serious lifestyle changes by US citizens.
I shared some videos yesterday about health that I thought were great. I think it is mostly financial reasons that people don’t take care of themselves. I look forward to the day when everyone is paid a wage that allows them to take care of themselves and those they love.