Not impressed with ChatGPT 4 modules

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I tried the Canvas and Video creation today from a paid account. It was not great.

Why did I try these? I am always willing to try new software to see if it can save me time. The image that the Canvas made was ugly and boring, and the video was poor and generic. Both of these were not anything that I would share.

I used ChatGPT as well to see how it was coming along. Still boring and missing grammar and context. People who use this have little grasp of beautiful English language. They become immune to what is a human perspective and replaced with a synthetic one.

I am not a Luddite. I do not seek to hold back progress. ChatGPT isn’t progress. Perhaps one day it may be useful but right now it is a shortcut for people who don’t want to research and critically examine what they learn. Learning is difficult. ChatGPT gives you the appearance of education without the foundation of knowledge. Its a cheat in every sense of the word.


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