Missing an appointment is never ok

Recruiter Comic
Recruiter Comic
Recruiter comic

I had a recruiter miss an appointment yesterday. That is never ok.

It just doesn’t make sense. Why would you make an interview with someone and then miss it? When someone shows that they don’t value my time I don’t work with them or their company ever again. Simple.

This happened to me recently and I told that recruiter that I am no longer interested in working with them. If a candidate misses an appointment, do you think a recruiter would give them a second chance? No most would not.

This is not the first recruiter who has missed an appointment nor the last I am sure. When recruiters feel that they don’t have to treat people with respect, what message does that send to the candidate? Some people can be professional and some hide behind excuses. There is no excuse for unprofessional behavior.

When you don’t respect others, you don’t get business. It is that simple.

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