Mini Anderson solar power connectors are tricky

angel solar comic

Mini Anderson solar power connectors are tricky. I thought I ordered the right ones, but when I tried to connect the two cables together they didn’t fit! What did I do wrong?

angel solar comic
angel solar comic

It turns out that mini Anderson solar connectors have a unique design that allows you to switch the end of the plug. I didn’t understand this until I was looking online at ordering yet another cable. I ordered it and then when I read the details I learned that the positive and negative plug can slide on the top, bottom, or side positions of the other adapters. This means that different designed solar generators may require a unique configuration. I moved my plugs into the right configuration and I was able to maintain the correct polarity for the Anderson adapters.

I had three Anderson adapters. The solar panel has an MC4 adapter, and that goes into the MC4 adapter to the Anderson adapter. Then I have 6 feet of Anderson cable because I need more length, and then that Anderson adapter goes into a 5.5mm DC input into the solar generator. I have two generators and both of them accept solar power in different ways. One requires an Anderson adapter since it has an Anderson input, and the other has a 5.5mm DC input. Many solar generators have other types of solar input adapters, so I think I am not finished buying electrical adapters.

Now of course there are online places that allow you to select your start and ending adapter and they will make a custom cable for you. This has some pros and cons. By having adapters you are better positioned for the future where you might need those adapters to fit other solar inputs. I also don’t like the fact that custom-made electrical equipment may not be UL tested and is more likely to carry the risk of mistakes. Finally, it is fun to plug the adapters together and feel like you are doing something complicated. So many things have been simplified in our lives, it can be boring at times.

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I am so excited for my new solar generator to arrive. Now I have all the parts to let it accept power from my two solar panels.