Lowering humidifier to 45%

Humidifier Mistake
Humidifier Mistake
Humidifier mistake

I learned today that mold can grow in environments that are 55% relative humidity or higher. Since my humidifier was set to be at 50% that was too close where mold can grow for my comfort. I set it to be 45%.

What I hope this does it allow things like rain/snow or mist to happen and not go over the 55% humidity. Since I was used to it being less than 30% anything over 30% is appreciated by me. For example when I look at it now it says it is at 37% and it feels great to breath. I won’t notice the difference between 50% and 45% humidity I am sure.

The other reason I am lowering it is that because I have a condensation drier, the humidity in the bathroom can get pretty high. It captures it into a tank where I dump the water, but there is still some in the air. I don’t want to cause a problem with mold in the bathroom. So far there hasn’t been a problem, but the humidifier is about a month old and I am trying to be proactive.

There are two vents in my apartment. One in the kitchen near the stove, and another in the shower at the top. I have not had any issues with moisture so far, so some people might think I am being alarmist. That’s fine. Its easier to prevent a problem than to correct it.

The other advantage I realize to lower the humidity level is that I will have to fill up the tank less. If I don’t notice a difference, then what am I gaining by spending energy/water that isn’t needed? I think with some things you have to find out what level of comfort works for you, and I am still in that discovery phase.

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Growing up in a desert moisture feels wonderful to me. Now I see that I can have too much of a good thing. I will find the right balance.