This is the first time that I have lived in a Condo. It has been educational.
Lots of pros/cons to everything in life. The pros are that the building is very well maintained. It almost looks new. A con is that there are more rules that I have had to learn and so there is an educational process.
Externally your fellow Condo owners are justifiably concerned about appearances. They want to have a pleasant environment and they are entitled to it since they partly own the building. Internally there are lots of rules as well. The condo rules were thicker than most instruction manuals I have read. I tried to learn all of them but of course, no one has a perfect memory.
Why am I sharing this? I am grateful to have the Condo experience. It gives me a sense of the HOA experience which I haven’t had either. However, since Condos have HOA rules, I can better understand and appreciate them. I can understand why people want certain things and I have to agree with it. I joined and accepted the rules, didn’t I?
If you want to, you can get used to any place. It is interesting that when I talked to my neighbors I joked that the Condo board enjoyed enforcing the rules and she said “Yes and too rigidly in my opinion.” I laughed. It can be stressful to have to adapt to the community.
Adapt I shall.