Limiting reading the news could help your mental health

'...And for future reference, Mr. Glynn, you don't need to 'get in character' for regression therapy.'

You can read more in this excellent Time article about how the more you learn about the news the worse your mental health is.

'...And for future reference, Mr. Glynn, you don't need to 'get in character' for regression therapy.'
‘…And for future reference, Mr. Glynn, you don’t need to ‘get in character’ for regression therapy.’

To summarize that article it says that we are conditioned to like and be entertained by news that has a negative spin. They theorize that it is a survival mechanism but the downside is that it can be made attitudes distorted and lack context.

I frequently read the news throughout the day and I have to remind myself each time that even though things are difficult, there are silver linings. I am not here to debate if this is a helpful period of time or not, but rather you have to approach each moment in life as an opportunity to be calm and loving and not succumb to fear.

Listen I get it. We all have financial and other pressures on us right now. However, we are all in this together and we will find a way out. People are displaying kind and loving behaviors to others like never before. Yesterday I had a LinkedIn friend ask how I was doing. The line between professional and personal is being blurred. People are helping others and waiving fees and we are all benefiting from others insight and experience.

I don’t know what your life is like. All I can do is offer to help in whatever way I can. I am not a rich man or I would give money. I can give my time though to listen and to be here and I’m great at generating ideas. I think the most we can do is to show that we can be a resource and help to others and if others might benefit then great.

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