Lets be honest with ourselves we love ignorance

People Are Stupid
People Are Stupid
people are stupid

As long as I have lived, there has always been an anti-intellectualism. People hate smart people.

Sure we give lip service to smart people when they fix a mistake stupid people made. However on the whole, most people hate smart people and it shows in our society.

Why else would we have social media that glorifies stupidity? We have entire platforms that embrace lies, stupidity and have killed people because of it. We have taken the former small effects that stupid people have before the internet, and magnified them so that their stupidity is free to read online.

In the name of protecting freedom and eliminating censorship social media computers now fail to fact check. Great, so as a society facts don’t matter? Where does this lead our future?

If we are moving to a future of Idiocracy, then we deserve it. We glorify sports heroes, celebrities and others who are intellectually, emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. We don’t care about character, but we care only about ourselves. This isn’t society. This is narcissism on the biggest scale we have yet.

The internet had not made us wiser, it is only made us more self absorbed.

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