Just changing things a little can make all the difference

'Soon, you will start to notice changes in your body... massive, horrifying changes.'
'Soon, you will start to notice changes in your body... massive, horrifying changes.'
‘Soon, you will start to notice changes in your body… massive, horrifying changes.’

Often you make bigger improvements in your life when you make small ones.

No this isn’t doublespeak. I’ll give you an example. I am writing this using Gutenberg or the default WordPress editor. Why? Because WordPress kept taking away classic functionality and it was becoming useless. I am still not completely comfortable in Gutenberg but I am adjusting to it.

How is this making my life easier? It integrates better with Elementor and it does some small things automatically like select the category. I am not fond of the UI but I will adjust. Plugins are a necessity until WordPress includes the functionality into the core product. Just like Microsoft extends and extinguishes the competition.

Another example is the power management on my MSI. Before I had been putting in into hibernation and then when I tried to wake it up in the morning it wouldn’t come awake. This wasn’t a big deal to me because I didn’t have anything that wasn’t going to be restored when I logged in like Brave. I would just turn the power off and then turn it back on and in 10 seconds I was back in business. Last night I turned off the projector first and then let the computer to go sleep by itself. In the morning I woke it up and it worked perfectly. I then turned the screen on and everything was simple.

There is a way of dealing with things in the world and once you learn how to deal with them life becomes so much easier. I often see people trying to do things that are the opposite of what the intended behavior was. I try to go with the flow with technology. If it doesn’t expressly support that functionality, I don’t try to manipulate it into supporting it. For me having a supported off the shelf solution is the most helpful and cheapest long term value.

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For example, people try to cram security into Windows/Mac and we get problems like Crowdstrike. Linux on the other had with AppArmor has security build in. What do we allow ourselves to be fooled by things that weren’t built to be secure? Windows/Mac have their own issues with compatibility and security. I said before that I think the future belongs to Linux/Mac. The more that I work with Linux the more that Linux seems the path forward. I don’t think Apple has the willingness to let others have the control they need to modify it to their requirements.

Intelligence is defined as the ability to adapt. Windows/Mac are not adapting very well to the open source world that exists. Open source doesn’t trust them and I don’t blame them. They could have been more open but they always made it a fight to survive, and now their future is looking less certain.